Katie Mccullough Talks and Writes

Words will get written here and some videoblogs will appear. You don't have to look but it would be nice if you did.

Cambridge Beckoned… I Went. February 23, 2010

Whittled down to the ‘cream of the crop’ twelve writers met at The Junction theatre and set about writing a five minute piece to be performed on the radio. After having a great workshop with Fraser Grace the first day we were given a line of dialogue and two sound effects to weave into our idea or use as a springboard. I decided to make magic with what I was given and ended up writing a five minute dystopian-post-apocalyptic-love story between two butchers that involved a dentist’s drill. Yeah, I know. And the general theme was ‘Insider/Outside’. Then we went and did it.




This was my humble abode for two nights. I say humble… over-bearingly cosy and a bit broken.





Then day two where we were left to write some more. To be honest I wrote mine on the first night, I was merely delighting in having Internets on my laptop. Sad I know. But I did do some tweaks and the like.




And then it was the last night I was staying over so decided to do yet more tweaks and eat some hot food rather than Sainsbury’s cold pasta and Tesco’s cold sandwiches for a change. I had a steak and ale pie with chips and peas. Mmmm, you really wanted to know that.


Now I shall lay on some photographs of how the rest of the day went. I do have to point out it was rather hectic at times, but in an exciting kinda way. The actors did fantastically brilliant considering they read through the scripts once when they got there and then a second time when they performed them… I did mention it was hectic right?
















So now we wait to see what writers are selected to develop their ideas further and write for the radio. Now, we wait…


One Response to “Cambridge Beckoned… I Went.”

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